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Life story
This is the story about Tom. Tom the son, brother, nephew, father, friend, and heart keeper. He loved his mother and dad. He kept a ball of socks at the ready, just to let mom know how much. His kid sister Kathy was someone he adored. He never said it often enough, but when he did, he'd say it with pride. He has 3 boys. Tommy, Joshua and Sean. The absolute best part of his life, and what made him most proud. 
Tom had lots of people who love him. I was his best friend and then some. I spent nearly everyday of tbe last 3 months of his life with him. I loved every second. Laughter, arguments, listenimg to music, getting a vanilla cone dipped in cherry from the DQ, dancing in the garage. I had a ball. 
I know Tom loved his Detroit sports teams. Especially the Tigers and the Wings. He loved his coffee.  So strong it'd peel paint! He didnt like getting on the elevator will alot of people, or someone that's chatty. He say "that was 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back".  He loved his guitars. He loved BEING a Marine, but not being IN the Marines. He loved KISS and Roy Orbison and The Beatles. He'd crack himself up by pushing your buttons. He was a man for reaction. Whether it was because of something totally bizzare he would say, or over a gift he got you just because.  He'd literally freeze in his tracks, waiting for a response.  You never knew if what he was about to do would make you want to kiss his face? Or kick his ass. Either way, it was fun. 
Tom touched alot of lives. More than he ever knew. Going through life without him, was something no one was prepared for. It has made the world a little darker of a place. But the broken and the sadness he carried here, will now be gone forever for him. Even though i miss and love him very deeply, i carry that in my heart. 
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